Kate Evans our dedicated Senior Move Manager for February...

Our exceptional Senior Move Managers are the driving force behind our caring service.
This month, we wanted to show Kate Evans the love... Our Move Partner of the Month. We would like to thank Kate for everything she puts into every move.
Keep reading to see what makes this job so important for Kate.
What is your favourite part of working as a Senior Move Manager?
I really enjoy meeting a whole range of people. It is such a privilege for a client to open up their home to a stranger and trust us to help them. It can be a very emotional time, along with getting rid of lots of personal possessions, which are laden with memories. Sometimes we are also helping to re-home clothes from a spouse who has died and having us there to help, listen and act, is the support they need.
What part of your work do you find the hardest?
Honestly it's saying goodbye to a client after working with them for several months, as you often become friends. I try to pop in and say hello where I can, when I am on site helping another client. Speaking to other colleagues, its a story I have heard several times, that friendships naturally develop through the time we spend together.
What did you do before becoming a Senior Move Manager?
I worked as doctor. After a while I went part-time after having my first child, before stopping altogether after the birth of my second and becoming a stay-at-home Mum. I went on to have two more children, so a full, loud and busy household. Once my youngest was happily at pre-school, on her way to school, I set up my decluttering business and started working with Senior Moves. The work is rewarding and also very flexible.
What misconceptions do people have about our work?
People are often surprised by the breadth and depth of our work and often don't realise the true value, until they have experienced the service for themselves. We deal with auction houses, second hand furniture buyers, charities and removal firms to name but a few. We help deal with utilities and the change of address process too. On move day itself we are there unpacking, setting up the internet and connecting their devices, making sure the TV is up and running and of course the most essential job of making up the bed for their first night in their new home.
What is the most unique request you have dealt with for a client and how did you do so?
I had a client with two Rolls Royce cars in his basement. It seemed as if the house was built around them. I did some research and had various collectors coming to view the cars. Once the offers had been appraised and accepted we then had the task of extracting them! There was a long steep slope to access the basement and it took a team of mechanics a day per car to get it out in one piece. Fun, but hair-raising.
If you get a free moment, what do you do to unwind?
At the moment it is watching traitors with my family, snuggled between children. Even better if there is a glass of wine in my hand!
Contact us today to get help with your home move with the assistance of one of our trusted Senior Move Managers.